2024 Season
Full Days
Trip 7-8 hours
$1,600 - up to 10 passengers
$120 per head over 10
Recommended 20% tip for mate
Extended Day
9-10 Hour trip
Montauk, Block Island, Rhode Island, etc.
$1,800 up to 10 passangers
$120 per head over 10
Recommended 20% tip for mate
Afternoon Trip
6 hours (3:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Subject to Change)
$1,600 - 10 passengers
$120 per head over 10
Recommended 20% tip for mate

Sailing Times*
Day Trips start at 6 AM
Afternoon Trips 3 PM - 9 PM
*times may change at Captain's discretion
Charters are available for day or evening fishing.
Afternoon fishing is for all species available.
Day trips are for all species in season - Fluke, Sea bass, Porgies, Weakfish, Blue Bass, and Blackfish.
20% gratuity is customary for a mate who will assist you throughout your trip and prepare your catch for the ride home.
All bait, tackle, and ice will be provided.
Planning Your Trip
Just a few things to know before you head out to the boat.
The Boat supply's all fishing tackle and bait.
We also provide ice for your catch.
Some people bring their own Tackle, which is fine as long as it's appropriate.
Captain and Crew will advise or contact us before your trip.
Please bring a cooler big enough to bring home your filleted fish.
Please keep the cooler in your car until the boat gets back into the dock.
Also, bring:
Lunch + Drinks
Warm clothing - It does get cool even in the summer on Night Trips.
Rain Gear - We still fish in the rain.
Boots or rubber soles: the boat's deck gets wet even on nice days.